Welcome to the MMSC Shop! Here you can purchase guest passes, pay party fees, tickets to events, and much more.
Your one stop for all things MMSC!

Guest Passes

Members may bring a max of 6 guests per day to the pool.

5 Guest Passes - $45.00
10 Guest Passes - $85.00
25 Guest Passes - $200.00
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Skip Work Party Fee

Members are required to attend one of two work parties(Spring or Fall) that occur each year based on their member number. Rather than attend the work party, members may elect to pay a $200 fee.

Price: $200.00

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Teen Swim Night

To purchase passes for the Teen Swim night, please choose how many teens you will be sending by choosing the options below:

One Teen Entry - $10.00
Two Teen Entry - $20.00
Three Teen Entry - $30.00
Four Teen Entry - $40.00
Five Teen Entry - $50.00

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Purchase a 2nd key fob

Buy a 2nd key fob for the family. LIMIT 2 fobs per membership. Note that replacement of LOST fob is $50.

Price: $10.00

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Limit 2 fob's per membership. Replacement of LOST fob is $50.